Submersible Starter
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Leading Manufacturers, Exporters, Wholesaler and Retailer of Agriculture Submersible Starter, Digital Meter Submersible Starter, MCB Submersible Starter with O/L Protection, Submersible Digital Pump Starter and Submersible MCB Starter from Sangli.
Agriculture Submersible Starter
Microcontroller based technology.
Suitable for Submersible Pumps.
Available for 0.5 to 3 H.P. PumPs
No Volt Release. (Automatically shuts OFF on failure of supply)
Protection from 0/L & DrYrun.
Separate indicators & Voltmeter/Ammeter
Automatic push button 0/L and N/L setting
Motor Starts Automatic after supply is ON
Technical Specifications :
Start Capacitor 1001120.120/l50MFD.
Run Capacitor- 25/36/50 MFD.
Dry run setting - 80% of full load (settable)
Overload setting-130% of ftill load
Digital Meter Submersible Starter
Suitable for Iph. Sub. pumps.
Available for 0.5 HPto 3 HpPumPs.
16 A MK type 4 pole contactor & uPto 9-l4 A thermal O/L. relay.
Digital A/V meter fbr current &voltage Display.
ISI mark fire proof cable wiring.
Standard make capacitor with 6 months warranty.
Technical Specifications
Curent Range : 6 I 10,9 I I 4,13 I 21 Amp.RelaY
Start Cap.- 80/ 100, 100/120 MFD,
Run Cap.- 25136150 MFD.
MCB Submersible Starter with O/L Protection
Features :
Suitable for 1 Ph. Submersible Pumps.
Available for lto 2H.P. Purnps.
MCB Ovcrload Protection.
Separate Ammeter & Voltmeter for Voltage and Cunent.
Submersible Digital Pump Starter
Suitablc for I Ph. Subrnersible Pumps.
Availablc for l to 2 H.P. Purnps.
Overload Protection (2 Pole BCH Type Contactor)
Digital A/V Meter for Current & Voltage Display.
ISI mark fire proof Cable rviring.
Standard make capacitor ri'ith 6 months wananty.
Technical Specifications
Operating Voltage : 160 \'to 170 VAC
Start Capacitor : 120 L50. 1-\0/200 MFD.
Run Capacitor : 36/50 NIFD.
Features :
Suitable for Submersible Pumps.
Available for 0.5 to 2 H.P. Pumps.
MCB Overload Protection.
Separate analog meters fbr voltage & cument..